Spring & Summer 2025 Outlook

With the sudden switch to warm and dry weather, many minds are probably on the upcoming spring and summer weather. So let's take a look at what we can deduce. First, we have mud season to get through. Although the air is warm, the ground is still pretty cold, inhibiting surface water soaking in. The WSU Ag WeatherNet shows 8" soil temperatures in the lower to mid 30s in most of northeast Washington. But the sunshine will help slowly warm the soil. Additionally, we're not looking at much precipitation in the next 10 days. The Pacific storms will be going by to our south, into California. We have some very low chances of rain starting Sunday, but any rain that does fall should be very light. It does appear that rain chances will increase by late next week with temperatures in the mid-upper 40s. By March 10th, we're probably looking at a cooler and showery weather pattern for a few days, with possibly some spring snow showers and highs ...