Cooler Weather Ahead. But Will There be Rain?

You may have seen your phone app advertising cooler temperatures coming up, starting on Friday.  And the app may not be showing any chances of rain, which is kind of odd.  What gives?

Here's the current weather map.  Warm high pressure to our west, but a cool low up in northwest BC.  This low is actually going to drop south into our area.  As it does, expect some windy weather on Thursday and Friday.

Here's the weather map by Friday.  This should be a good thing if you want rain, right?  Unfortunately, the main low is passing by to the north of us.  Also it's coming from the north, so it doesn't bring a lot of moisture with it.  Dew points are going to drop from the 40s into the 30s and even upper 20s.  As a result, this low will bring some light showers to the northeast Washington mountains, but not much south of Spokane.

The good news is that there is another low behind the first, and it too drops into our area.  This will hang out over the Northwest through much of next week, keeping temperatures cooler, with a threat of showers each day.

Here's the rain probability chart for Deer Park for the next 10 days.  At this point, this doesn't look like a drought-buster pattern or anything close.  Most of the showers will probably be light.  But we'll have to wait a few days to see if there's any significant rain next week.

Also, it's worth pointing out that starting Friday morning, our low temperatures will be dropping into the 30s.  If you have put out any temperature-sensitive plants or irrigation equipment, you might want to keep an eye on the forecast low temperatures.  


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