A Big Change in the Weather Pattern

It has been a wet November. Multiple storms delivering over an inch of rain this month. Here's some precipitation observations for the month of November so far. Officially at Spokane Airport, 3.57" has fallen in November, which is the wettest November since 2006. The all-time wettest November was in 1897 with 5.85". For Deer Park, 5.35" of precipitation has fallen in November, which is just shy of the 5.45" in 2006. But as we know, these kinds of things tend to average themselves out. While we've been very wet for the past 30 days, the eastern part of the US has been very mild. Short pants on Halloween. Wildfires in the northeast. And now we're going to see the pattern reverse. The West will dry out and the East will be in the news with winter weather. Here's the current weather map. Stormy in the West, warm in the Midwest, and a storm exiting the northeast. Here's the forecast for next weekend. The pattern has flipped. D...